9:00 - 17:00 | Career coaching, career consultation |
| Career coaching can help you clarify the best way to build your study and/or career path. With the help of professional counsellors, you will find out what type of assignments fulfils you, what you are personally suited to, what your strengths or talents are or any specific areas for development. In this type of meeting, you and the counsellor go more in-depth based on the questions you ask, so it's possible that you may come across questions you may not have asked yourself, and the meeting will help you identify your short and long-term career goals. Duration: 55 min. Career consultation addresses a more specific topic - revising your CV and cover letter, deciding between specific job offers, preparing for a job interview, presenting your own strengths and experience, thinking about salary and how to ask for it, preparing for an Assessment Centre or an interview in Czech/English. Duration: 25 min. If you are interested, please… |
14:00 - 15:00 | Nácvik relaxačních technik |
| Máte chuť si vyzkoušet různé relaxační techniky, a podpořit tak svou duševní pohodu? Přijďte si odpočinout na náš otevřený kurz relaxačních technik, ve kterém si budeme v malé skupince zkoušet různé techniky jako jsou mindfulness, body scan, autogenní trénink nebo progresivní svalová relaxace. K čemu jsou relaxace dobré? Pravidelná a dlouhodobá relaxace poskytuje mnoho výhod jak v oblasti duševního, tak tělesného zdraví. Může vám pomoci např.: - mírnit projevy stresu a úzkosti,
- lépe se soustředit a lépe si zapamatovávat informace,
- zkvalitnit spánek a zmírnit únavu,
16:00 - 17:30 | Řízení osobních financí |
| Přijďte si rozšířit svoje znalosti o tom, jak dobře řídit svoje osobní finance. Přednáška je otevřena komukoliv, koho téma zajímá a bude zvláště užitečná, pokud kromě studia už pracujete a začínáte pomalu řešit „dospělácké otázky“ spojené s úsporami, bydlením, penzijním pojištěním a tak dále. Odpovíme na vaše konkrétní dotazy a kromě toho probereme témata: Jak efektivně pracovat se svými penězi? Jak se připravit na vlastní bydlení? Jak přemýšlet o svých rezervách a efektivně s nimi pracovat? Jak se zajistit pro případ výpadku příjmu? Co vědět o penzijním systému a jeho dopadech? |
17:00 - 18:30 | How sustainable are electric vehicles: BASF Battery Materials |
| Electromobility is a crucial component in the climate transition of the transportation sector. Although recent market trends indicate a deceleration in growth, particularly in Europe, the overall shift toward less CO2-intensive individual mobility remains robust. Electromobility will only provide a true contribution to a climate friendly economy, if making, using and recycling the car are carried out responsibly. This seminar will explore the environmental impact of both petrol-driven and electric passenger cars across various dimensions. Key topics include greenhouse gas emissions during the manufacture of batteries and EVs, the significance of responsible metal mining, and the critical role of recycling within the electromobility framework. Information about the sustainability performance of an EV is vital for consumers to make informed decisions. The presentation will examine the role and potential of Battery Passports to enhance transparency and promote sustainable practices in transportation. |
17:00 - 19:00 | Nobel prize lecture 2024
| As every year, we invite our leading experts in the fields for which the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Physics was awarded to give us a brief (30 minutes) popular science lecture to highlight the significance and impact of the discoveries for which the Nobel Prize was awarded. This year, Professor Vojtěch Spiwok from our institution (Nobel Prize in Chemistry, protein structure) and Professor Petr Doležel (Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics at UPCE) will be giving lectures. Professor Spiwok will discuss his work on protein structure, while Professor Doležel will lecture on the development and applications of machine learning. This event is open to the entire academic community of VŠCHT and possibly to the public, as the lectures will be popular science-oriented. |