Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha
15.5.2024 (st)

9:00 - 11:30Presentation coaching     
Who the service is for

UCT staff who would like to receive detailed feedback on their prepared presentation.

What to expect

You will prepare a presentation before the session.

Existing presentation skills will be assessed based on your delivery of the prepared presentation at the beginning of the session.

The coach will identify your strengths and opportunities to grow in the following areas:

  • Structure
  • Vocal delivery
  • Body language
  • Audience engagement
  • Rhetorical techniques
  • Visuals
  • English language


Book your session

To reach your goal more presentation coaching sessions may be necessary.

If you cannot attend the booked session, please let us know by email. Thank you.


10:00 - 11:15Using Computer-Aided Drug Design to target conserved protein binding sites on SARS-CoV-2     

Using Computer-Aided Drug Design to progress compounds from byte to test tube – Targeting conserved protein binding sites on SARS-CoV-2

As new medications are used to treat COVID-19, many studies have reported that proteins such as spike, polymerase and proteases are
prone to high levels of mutation that can create resistance to therapy over time. Thus, it becomes necessary to, not only target other viral
proteins such as the non-structural proteins (nsp’s), but to also target the most conserved residues of these proteins. In our present work, we
have applied a synergistic combination of bioinformatics, computer-aided drug-design and in vitro studies for better understanding of SARS-CoV-2
helping in the development of small molecule inhibitors against the nsp’s.

13:00 - 14:30Workshop: Práce se emocemi – Úvod do nenásilné komunikace     

Přemýšleli jste někdy o tom, jak vaše emoce ovlivňují váš každodenní život, vztahy a úspěch ve studiu i práci? Workshop "Práce s emocemi" vám pomůže porozumět vašim pocitům a efektivně s nimi pracovat s cílem vašeho osobního i profesního rozvoje.  

Proč se účastnit: 

  • Porozumění vlastním emocím: Naučíte se pojmenovat vaše emoce a lépe jim porozumět, což je klíčové pro psychickou pohodu a kvalitu života. 

  • Komunikace emocí: Získáte dovednosti pro efektivní komunikaci emocí s ostatními, což je nezbytné pro budování a udržení zdravých vztahů. 

  • Techniky regulace emocí: Naučíte se různé techniky pro řízení a regulaci emocí, což…

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