Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha
1.11.2024 (pá)

Miroslav Vlček Scholarship Call is now open! Supporting UCT Prague's international student who      

In honor of Professor Miroslav Vlček, the scholarship supports international students in Prague who are making a big impact! 🏆👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

Are you:

✅ Studying a full-time English-taught program at UCT Prague?
✅ Under 36 years old?
✅ Contributing to the international reputation of your university with extraordinary efforts?

Then don't miss this chance! 🚀 Submit your application by November 11, 2024, and you could be recognized at the Scholarship Award Ceremony on December 4 at the stunning Mayor’s Residence in Prague! 🏛️✨

Submit the application for Miroslav Vlček scholarship

Spread the word and make your mark! 📚✈️ #StudyInPrague #InternationalStudents #ScholarshipOpportunity

Detailed information:

The Miroslav Vlček Extraordinary…

13:00 - 15:00Chiral Recognition & Measurement of Enantiomeric Excess Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy     

Ústav analytické chemie Vás srdečně zve na přednášku profesora Pavla Anzenbachera, Jr. působícího na Bowling Green State University (Center for Photochemical Sciences, Department of Chemistry) v Ohiu:

Téma přednášky: „Chiral Recognition & Measurement of Enantiomeric Excess Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy“

Kdy?  V pátek 1. listopadu 2024

Kde? Budova A, přednáškový sál A1

Přednáška začíná ve 13:00.

 Těšíme se na Vás!

 Jménem organizátorů, Tereza Navrátilová, Ústav analytické chemie, VŠCHT Praha

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