Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha
12/4/2024 (We)

8:00 - 15:00Pedagogický kurz pro začínající učitele     

Registrace: https://kuhv.vscht.cz/cinnosti/rozvoj-pedagogickych-dovednosti

Co se naučíte? Na konci workshopu budete schopni:

  • kriticky reflektovat svou koncepci kvalitní výuky;
  • porozumět principům vyučování založenému na výzkumu a aplikovat je ve své praxi;
  • zdůraznit důležitost růstového myšlení, respektující komunikace a bezpečného výukového klimatu;
  • rozpoznat různé typy motivace a analyzovat didaktické přístupy k jejich podpoře;
  • uplatnit výukové strategie, které podporují aktivní učení a zapojení studujících.

Program workshopu:

  1. Kvalita vyučování na vysoké škole

9:00 - 11:00Breakfast with the vice-dean for R&D with PhD candidates of FCE to the funding from the AY 2025/26     

During the breakfast, both current and prospective PhD candidates will learn detail about the strategy of funding doctoral studies at the FCE from the accademic year 2025/26 onward unde the assumption the current version of the ammandment to the higher education act will pass in its current for both throuigh the Senate and the President of the Czech reoublic.

Small refreshments will be provided.

The Czech version starts at 9:00.

The English version starts at 10:00.

The event will be held in a hybride formate - attandees have received an email.

9:00 - 17:00Career coaching, career consultation     

Career coaching can help you clarify the best way to build your study and/or career path. With the help of professional counsellors, you will find out what type of assignments fulfils you, what you are personally suited to, what your strengths or talents are or any specific areas for development. In this type of meeting, you and the counsellor go more in-depth based on the questions you ask, so it's possible that you may come across questions you may not have asked yourself, and the meeting will help you identify your short and long-term career goals. Duration: 55 min.

Career consultation addresses a more specific topic - revising your CV and cover letter, deciding between specific job offers, preparing for a job interview, presenting your own strengths and experience, thinking about salary and how to ask for it, preparing for an Assessment Centre or an interview in Czech/English. Duration: 25 min.

If you are interested, please…

17:00 - 20:00UNIQORN: Symmetries of the particle world     

How does a mirror image look like in the world of particles? What is the difference between an electron and a muon? And why is there so little antimatter in our universe? Let's take a look at elementary properties of the Standard Model, as well as phenomena which this successful theory still fails to explain.

18:00 - 19:00Pre-exam presentation     

Are you unsure about your upcoming exams? Come to our pre-exam presentation for first-year, full-time international students on December 4th at 6 PM in BI. Our tutor team will explain the credit system, exam formats for Chemical and Balance Calculations, Mathematics A, and General and Inorganic Chemistry I, and answer your questions.

19:00 - 23:00Karaoke v Carbonu      

Přijďte si s kamarády zazpívat vaše oblíbené hity, pobavit se a užít si večer plný hudby.

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