Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha

Doctoral Summer School 2023


Date: 9/15/2023  8:00 - 15:00      
Location: NTK, UCT Prague
Kind: Akce mezinárodní
Zahraniční příležitosti
Event type: Konference, Kurz, Seminář, Školení, Vzdělání
Language: EN

Doctoral Summer School 2023

The National Library of Technology (NTK) is proud to announce the second Doctoral Summer School for Early-Career Researchers. The event will take place on 15 - 16 September 2023 in Prague and is organized by NTK in collaboration with the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (UCT Prague), Czech Association of Doctoral Researchers (ČAD) and Committee for Doctoral studies under the Student Chamber of the Council of the Higher Education Institutions (SK RVŠ).


The aim of Doctoral Summer School is to enhance skills of early career researchers in three important topic areas:

  1. Open Science
  2. Career Management
  3. Healthy Research Culture

Open Science is a new way of conducting research by opening up access to research data and results via new digital technologies and collaborative tools. The aim is to improve access to knowledge and thus stimulate innovation as well as bring research closer to society. This workshop aims to raise awareness about various Open Science principles and practices such as Open Access, FAIR/Open Data, Open Methodology, Open Source, Open Peer Review, Open Education, Open Licencing, and Citizen Science.

Career Management - building self-awareness of what you want from a career. What about your next steps? We live in a world filled with opportunities and especially early-career researchers can develop their skills to suit several career-wise possibilities. Are you aware of what lies within your reach? This workshop aims to shed light on career opportunities after PhD, the importance of being able to identify your skillset and the steps necessary to reach your career goals.

Healthy Research Culture - Research culture encompasses the behaviors, values, expectations, attitudes and norms of our research communities. It influences researchers' career paths and determines the way that research is conducted and communicated. How can we improve the research culture? This workshop aims to help early-career researchers to improve the research environment, be more tolerant to high levels of stress, be capable communicators and able to build international and interdisciplinary networks.

These skills and competences are essential for personal and professional development of early-career researchers and their career advancements. Additionally, Doctoral Summer School provides valuable networking opportunities with your peers in the Czech Republic.

Training courses are designed and taught by experienced researchers who are active in these topics.

Each participant will receive a certificate after the completion of the course.

Target group

Early-Career Researchers in the Czech Republic

  • Doctoral candidates (enrolled in doctoral training programmes)
  • Postdoctoral researchers (up to 8 years from their PhD)

The working language of the training sessions is English.

Participation Fee

Participation Fee: 1 200 CZK (Early Bird registration)

*The participation fee covers: training materials, meals during the event and attendance in the social programme (Boat cruise on the Vltava River).

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