Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha

Vánoční/Christmas UNIQORN: Michael Londesborough – When cluster molecules get EXCITED!


Date: 12/19/2023  17:00 - 20:00      
Location: Uhelna
Kind: Věda
Event type: Pozvánka, Přednáška, Vzdělání
Lecturer: Dr. Michael Londesborough
Language: EN

Dr. Londesborough's talk will be a journey through the excited states of several borane clusters - How they become excited, what they do when excited, and how we can manipulate their excited states through chemical change.

Michael Londesborough
 is a famous populariser of science and (ESPECIALLY!) a group leader at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Czech Academy of Science. Currently, he is looking for a PhD student! 

Are you interested? This lecture is a great opportunity for you!

Yammer (more information): https://shorturl.at/bGNQ1

FB event: https://fb.me/e/4VEiI9tUc

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