Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha

UCT Prague Cultural Festival


Datum: 11.5.2024  12:30 - 18:30      
Místo konání: místnost 1B, Jankovcova 23, Praha 7
Kategorie: Studentské akce
Typ akce: Pozvánka, Sport a kultura
Jazyk akce: CZ

We kindly invite you to attend the UCT Prague Cultural Festival! 

Take part in a lively festival of several cultures that will include tasty snacks from different cultures, games and quizzes!

This is a chance to welcome cross-cultural dialogue, build relationships, and honour the diverse range of customs that exist within our neighbourhood.

The event will be open to all UCT Prague students, and staff. If you want to participate, please contact sydorova@vscht.cz or for any other information.

Additionally,  we encourage attendees to bring something unique from their culture to share with others.

We look forward to your participation in this thought-provoking event! 

(Event carried out in conjunction with UCT SoB’s Project Management Graduate course.)

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