Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha

Labyrinth of school


Date: 10/23/2024  14:00 - 17:30      
Location: in front of the building B
Kind: Akce VŠCHT
Studentské akce
Event type: Akce studentů, Soutěž
Language: CZ

Dear students, dear staff,   

we would like to invite you all to the long-awaited, and also much requested event, the Labyrinth School!   


Would you like to get lost in our school? This is a unique opportunity.   

Come on Wednesday 23. 10. between 2:00 and 4:30 pm in front of Building B. 



How will it go? 

👉 you´ll tell us your name 

👉 we will give you a starting number 

👉 you’ll get a card with checkpoint according to your category 


👉 you´ll run or walk to all the checkpoints 

👉 go back to the start (also a finish line) 


You can start anytime from 14:00 until 16:30 (that’s when we send the last person in). 

All competitors will be divided into categories: men/women and Bc, Mgr, and PhD+employees, each with their own card. 



  1. Each category has its own set of checkpoints, but some are shared with all the categories. 
  1. At each checkpoint there is a sign saying: ‘Toto je stanoviště’, and a control push pin-like device (clicker). 
  1. Checkpoints are ONLY in the in the hallways or outside – not in classrooms/labs. 
  1. The start and finish are in front of building B. 
  1. DON’T FORGET YOUR IDENTIFICATION CARD (ISIC/EV. CARD) – checkpoints are in all three buildings. 
  1. Ideally try not use your phone, only when instructed for our quiz question. 
  1. Each participant is timed on their own. You can form groups but only after you have started the race (the first one released will have a longer time than the last one released from the group). 



Three fastest women and men from each category will recieve a reward (e.g. UCT merch). The announcement of the winners will be held in front of building B at 17:30.  


Of course, every participant will receive a reward, so if you don’t place, we still have a participation prize for you!  


Šípek’s Faculty Championship? 

This event is a part of our famous Šípek’s Faculty championship, the points will be given out based on the fastest 1st year bachelors students (5 women and 5 men). 


Best regards, 

Your captains of the faculties 

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