Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha

Seminář pro doktorandy: Jak na podávání projektů (IGA)


Datum: 27.11.2024  13:00 - 17:00      
Místo konání: B2319
Kategorie: Akce VŠCHT
Typ akce: Seminář
Jazyk akce: CZ

PhD office pořádá další seminář pro doktorandy! Nevíte, jak se správně píše projekt? Co by měl obsahovat? Jak se zorientovat ve všech dokumentech? Či jak správně podat grant IGA? Náš skurz vám pomůže! Seminář bude probíhat v angličtině- Popis níže. 

Are you preparing to submit your first project proposal but unsure where to begin? This workshop is specifically designed for doctoral students and early-stage researchers like you. We’ll equip you with the skills to transform your research ideas into a competitive proposal, while avoiding common mistakes.

One of the biggest challenges is to understand all the documents related to call for proposals. These documents contain critical details that shape your project; yet they are often overlooked. We’ll show you how to navigate and use them, ensuring your proposal meets the expectations of evaluators.

What you’ll gain:

  • Learn to craft a clear, structured project proposal from your research idea
  • Understand the key documents of the call and how they define project boundaries
  • Master essential project management concepts to strengthen your proposal
  • Discover the key differences between research papers and proposals
  • Hands-on practice applying structured project management thinking to your research idea

When? 27.11.2024 

Where? B2319 (Zikova, Building B, 1st floor)

The seminar will be in English.

13:00-13:30 – Project proposal vs project: What’s the difference?
13:30-14:30 – Understanding call documents: Why they matter and how they shape your project
14:30-14:45 – Break
14:45-16:00 – Key project management concepts for successful proposal writing
16:00-16:30 – Research papers vs project proposals: Dos and Don’ts
16:30-17:00 – Hands-on practice: Applying project management thinking

By the end, you’ll be ready to tackle your first proposal with confidence, fully aware of the requirements and prepared to meet them. Don’t miss this chance to improve your competitiveness. Register now!

Your lecturer will be Radka Pittnerova, expert with more than twenty years of experience with research projects, project management and international research collaboration.

In case of questions, feel free to contact PhD Support Mili Losmanová: losmanom@vscht.cz 

Sign in here: Seminář pro doktorandy: Jak na podávání projektů (IGA)/ Seminar for PhDs: Master Your First Project Proposal (IGA) - Semináře - Oddělení VaV - VŠCHT Praha

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