Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha

Sensor Design & Dye-Displacement Sensing


Date: 11/5/2024  11:30 - 12:30      
Location: UCT Prague, building B, room B2319
Kind: Akce VŠCHT
Event type: Pozvánka, Přednáška
Lecturer: prof. Pavel Anzenbacher, Jr.
Language: EN

The Department of Analytical Chemistry cordially invites you to a lecture by Professor Pavel Anzenbacher, Jr. from Bowling Green State University (Center for Photochemical Sciences, Department of Chemistry) in Ohio:

Topic of the lecture: "Sensor Design & Dye-Displacement Sensing"

When? On Tuesday, November 5th, 2024

Where? Building B, room B2319

The lecture starts at 11:30.

We look forward to seeing you!

On behalf of the organizers, Tereza Navrátilová, Department of Analytical Chemistry, UCT Prague

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