Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha

Quantum Computing Workshop and Seminar


Date: 11/15/2024  9:30 - 15:30      
Location: ÚOCHB
Kind: Věda
Event type: Seminář, Workshop
Lecturer: Dr. Christoffer Mohr Jensen (IBM Denmark)
Language: EN

On Friday, November 15, in collaboration with IBM research, we organize Quantum Computing Workshop and Seminar at IOCB, Prague. The flyer is attached.

Workshop, Room C.5.01 (building C, IOCB)
9:30-12:30    Introduction to programming of quantum circuits, and practical exercises in Qiskit Lab


Scientific talk, Room B.4.29 (building B, IOCB)

14:30-15:30  Dr. Christoffer Mohr Jensen (IBM Denmark)

"The present and future of quantum computing, and its potential in natural sciences."


Workshop - technical details

You are all cordially invited to the workshop, which capacity is 20-50 participants, and in order to fully participate in the workshop, you may also quickly check the following prerequisite:

  • On-site there will be a link to download jupyter notebook lab for hands-on part of the workshop. Python basics required.
  • python environment with access to internet to install Qiskit libraries or create free account on qbraid.com
  • To access IBM portal and free quantum computing time, register on quantum.ibm.com
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