Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha

Breakfast with the vice-dean for R&D with PhD candidates of FCE to the funding from the AY 2025/26


Date: 12/4/2024  9:00 - 11:00      
Location: B2319
Kind: Akce VŠCHT
Event type: Akademická obec, Přednáška
Lecturer: Pavel Řezanka & Jan Vališ
Language: CZ

During the breakfast, both current and prospective PhD candidates will learn detail about the strategy of funding doctoral studies at the FCE from the accademic year 2025/26 onward unde the assumption the current version of the ammandment to the higher education act will pass in its current for both throuigh the Senate and the President of the Czech reoublic.

Small refreshments will be provided.

The Czech version starts at 9:00.

The English version starts at 10:00.

The event will be held in a hybride formate - attandees have received an email.

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