Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha

A guided tour of the National Library of Technology


Datum: 4.2.2025  15:00 - 17:00      
Místo konání: National Library of Technology, Technická 2710/6, 160 80 Praha 6 - Dejvice,
Kategorie: Akce mezinárodní
Typ akce: Pozvánka
Přednášející: Anna Mittnerová and Library´s specialists
Jazyk akce: CZ


  • a Library staff member will meet us at the entrance turnstiles and within 40 minutes show us around the building. 
    Our guide will then take us to a classroom where a Library specialist will give us a presentation on the Library's services, its information resources and the academic services available to UCT Prague students and staff.  There will also be time for questions and discussion at the end of the tour.
  • Who will guide us: the specialists of the Library. The tour will be held in English


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