Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha
9/22/2023 (Fr)

Applications Open: Miroslav Vlček Extraordinary Scholarship     

The applications for Miroslav Vlček Extraordinary Scholarship for Contribution to the Internationalization of UCT Prague are open from today until November 11, 2023.

Please find the detailed information about the scholarship below:


The Miroslav Vlček Extraordinary Scholarship is a form of honoring the memory of the professor Miroslav Vlček – the spiritual father of the idea and the coordinator of the Study in Prague consortium (2015–2019), which brought together seven Prague public universities and attracted hundreds of foreign students to study in Prague. The Miroslav Vlček Extraordinary Scholarship aims to contribute to the higher internationalization of the university environment of public universities in Prague by increasing the number of foreign students studying in foreign language study programs.

Conditions for awarding the scholarship
1. The Miroslav Vlček Extraordinary Scholarship is awarded in accordance with…

Cyklistický kurz Itálie - Toskánsko     

Termín:17.09.2023 - 24.09.2023
Přihlašování do:16. června 2023 16:00
Typ kurzu:cyklistika
Cena hrazená předem:viz propozice Kč - možnosti provedení platby
Storno podmínky: 
Další náklady:Bez záloh do naplnění počtu 40 účastníků. Poté budou  zveřejněny platební podmínky
Další organizační pokyny:

Počet započitatelných dnů : Z

Kapacita: min. 40 účastníků

Cena : 7500,-…

8:30 - 14:00Honza Čtvrtečka Tennis Tournament for Students and Employees of UCT Prague - 5th season     

We are delighted to invite you to the 5th season of the Honza Čtvrtečka Memorial Tennis Tournament for Students and Employees of UCT Prague which will be held on Friday 22nd September 2023 from 09:00 in the Tennis centre of Czech Technical University in Na Kotlářce 7 (10 min walk from UCT). It will be the first week of the winter semester 23/24.

The tournament is primarily intended for pre-intermediate to competitive players. There is an option of playing mixed single and/or mixed double. The entry is free of charge and in September there will be a form available for you to register.


10:00 - 11:00Coordination Self Assembly: From Origins to the Latest Advances     

Molecular self assembly based on coordination chemistry has made an explosive development in recent years Over the last 30 years, we have been
showing that the simple combination of transition metal’s square planer geometry (a 90 degree coordination angle) with pyridine based bridging ligands gives rise to the quantitative self assembly of nano sized, discrete organic frameworks The current interests in our group focus on i molecular confinement effects in coordination cages, ii) solution chemistry in crystalline porous complexes (as applied to “crystalline sponge method”), and iii) and giant self assemblies, as disclosed in this lecture.

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