Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha
10/30/2024 (We)

Miroslav Vlček Scholarship Call is now open! Supporting UCT Prague's international student who      

In honor of Professor Miroslav Vlček, the scholarship supports international students in Prague who are making a big impact! 🏆👩‍🎓👨‍🎓

Are you:

✅ Studying a full-time English-taught program at UCT Prague?
✅ Under 36 years old?
✅ Contributing to the international reputation of your university with extraordinary efforts?

Then don't miss this chance! 🚀 Submit your application by November 11, 2024, and you could be recognized at the Scholarship Award Ceremony on December 4 at the stunning Mayor’s Residence in Prague! 🏛️✨

Submit the application for Miroslav Vlček scholarship

Spread the word and make your mark! 📚✈️ #StudyInPrague #InternationalStudents #ScholarshipOpportunity

Detailed information:

The Miroslav Vlček Extraordinary…

10:00 - 11:30Introduction to Research Data Management     

Who should participate?

This webinar is intended mainly for graduate students and early career researchers who are dealing with research data while writing dissertations, scientific articles, or grant proposals, but anyone interested in a basic introduction to research data management (RDM) is welcome to attend.

What topics will be covered?

RDM involves research data-related activities such as the organization, storage, sharing, and security. This webinar provides a brief introduction to RDM with some practical suggestions to consider before starting a research project, including: 

  • Why is it important to manage my research data?
  • RDM in the context of Open Science and the FAIR principles.
  • What is research data and how can it be organized?
  • How do I store and share my research data?Technical and software requirements:
    • You will need your laptop, desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone.…

15:00 - 16:30Vyhledávání odborných informačních zdrojů     

Pro koho

Webináře jsou určeny všem, kteří se chtějí naučit efektivně vyhledávat kvalitní odborné zdroje pro akademické práce (seminární, bakalářské, diplomové, ...).

Co si odnesete

Dozvíte se, jak si poradit s klíčovými slovy a jak efektivně vyhledávat odborné zdroje ve vědeckých databázích a na internetu. Zaměříme se také na to, jak vám při psaní závěrečné práce může pomoci Google Scholar, na co se hodí Wikipedie a k čemu vám budou jiné diplomky a odborné články.


Všechny materiály z našich kurzů budou dostupné na Moodlu NTK. Využít můžete i návody dostupné…

15:30 - 20:00CRAFTCLUB: Frankensteinish computer workshop     

Are you interested in how it looks inside a computer? Come and try it out at our hardware workshop for beginners. We will cannibalize old computers and take out vital organs for transplantation (RAM memories, hard drives and cards). After the organ harvesting, we will assess them and assemble new, stronger machines from the most vital dissected individuals. We will test them and donate them to the Computers for Children initiative. If you have an old computer or laptop lying around at home that can be disassembled, bring it with you, but participation is also possible without your own scrap. Worksop will be bilingual and English speakers are welcome. The workshop is open to students and employees of all grades and positions.

17:00 - 22:00POTLACH     

Hudební session "táborákové" hraní POTLACH pro studenty i zaměstnance! Více ZDE 

Spojujeme lidi s láskou k hudbě a přírodě. Hrajeme tak, jak kdo umí a na co kdo chce. Někdo hraje zpatra, má noty, někdo taby, někdo zpěvník, někdo jen poslouchá. Scházíme se obvykle v různém složení i počtu.  

17:30 - 19:30LET'S CONNECT (Bachelor and Master)     

An event for Bachelor and Master students of CTU and UCT to find new connections.

Do you want to meet other students in the Dejvice campus? Find new friends? Meet someone you can ask out on a date?

We'll spend some time together and try to get to know each other and connect. You will meet new people in a playful way and then participate in speed dating. After that, it's up to you.

Respect is sexy.

Consent is key.

The event will take place in Kantor Coffee in the Faculty of Civil Engineering building (Thákurova 2077/7) and is meant for BA and MA students. / for Ph.D. students and postdocs.

The event will be in English.

The capacity of the event is limited to 15 people from each university. Therefore the approach First come first served is applied.


21:00 - 4:00Chemical Halloween 2024     
Halloween party (not only) for chemists!
Mask is recommended 🦇👹
🎃 Original decoration
🎭 Best costume competition
🍹 Special drinks
🥃 Welcome drink for the first 100 people

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