Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha

“Open” Breakfast with the Data Stewards of UCT Prague


Datum: 14.12.2023  9:00 - 10:45      
Místo konání: Uhelna (building A)
Kategorie: Akce VŠCHT
Typ akce: Akademická obec, Kariera, Popularizace, Pozvánka, Seminář, Vzdělání, Workshop
Přednášející: Martin Schätz, Jan Vališ, Georgia Koutentaki, Adam Sklenář, Eva Hnátková
Jazyk akce: EN

“Open” Breakfast with the Data Stewards of UCT Prague

The University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague has a new acting team of Data Stewards who are here to help you understand the concepts and practical aspects of research data management, data publishing, and planning of data arrangements. On the 14th of December between 9:00 and 10:30 you are invited to meet them at Uhelna, UCT Prague (building A, Technická 5, Prague 6). Tea and coffee will be provided, but anyone is free to bring their own breakfast with them.

What will this breakfast be about and why should you join?

The understanding of the need for data stewardship and open science is a new concept for most researchers and it can be difficult to understand everything at once. But fear not! The data stewardship team of UCT Prague is here to help you through it all! We, along with you, are keeping ourselves updated constantly with the new rules and implementations needed for data management and we will gladly share this information with you to help you.

During the breakfast we will give you some starting points and examples to help you understand more about how to manipulate and arrange your data to keep them accessible even for years to come. The understanding and implementation of the Data Management Plan (DMP) in your grants are able to provide you with many more funding resources than you might be aware of. So, make sure not to miss the first ever breakfast with the data stewardship team!

The meeting will be held in a friendly and casual manner. Early career researchers, post-doctoral researchers, professors, and everyone in need of guidance on data stewardship is welcome to join and share a piece of their mind and a piece of cake! Please feel free to bring some biscuits or small snacks and practice “open-sharing” with the data stewards. We are waiting for you!

What is Data Stewardship?

Data stewardship is the structuring, organization and planning of the management of data, even before they are produced and shared. In our fast-developing digital world, data needs to be sharable in a way that follows the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. The FAIR principles are simply guidelines on how to correctly and ethically use digital platforms for data sharing, management, storing and reuse.

Why is data stewardship important for you?

The number of grant funders that are asking for researchers to provide a DMP and publish their articles in Open Access (OA) journals is increasing rapidly in the Czech Republic and EU. Any researcher who needs to apply for funding nowadays must be able to understand the basic principles and needs for a DMP and Open Science (OS), otherwise it is likely that they will not be able to get the funding to its full potential, or not even to get it at all.

Do you have any questions?

 Do you have any questions regarding research data management or open science which you would like to discuss? Come meet us at this or any of the breakfasts to follow! But you can also reach data stewards via email at researchdata@vscht.cz. Or you can use this form, which you can fill out anonymously. Don't hesitate to share your inquiries with us and we will get back to you in one of the next breakfasts, or in your email if you prefer to give us one.

And don’t forget: 

“The activities that cannot be found or cannot be seen did not happen!” 

-The data stewardship team 

Data stewardship and Open Science support:

Ing. Martin Schätz, Ph.D.                                              https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0931-4017 

Ing. Jan Vališ                                                                  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0349-6868 

Georgia Koutentaki, MEng.                                           https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8099-9963 

Ing. Adam Sklenář                                                         https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1304-4531 

Ing. Eva Hnátková, Ph.D.                                              https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3237-9305 


Author:  Georgia Koutentaki, MEng.

Editors: Ing. Eva Hnátková, PhD., Ing. Jan Vališ & Ing. Martin Schätz, Ph.D.

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