Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha

French + Sciences programme, a 3 to 4-week summer school (May/June 2023)


Datum: 28.2.2024  1:00 - 23:50      
Místo konání:
Kategorie: Zahraniční příležitosti
Typ akce: Kariera, Organizace ak. roku, Vzdělání
Jazyk akce: CZ

The Campus France Office in the Czech Republic is offering one new grant to support Czech students who would like to register for the “French + Sciences programme”, a 3 to 4-week summer school (May/June 2023) focusing on:

  • Sustainable development /  Montpellier
  • Transport and energy / Rouen
  • Mountain Science / Chambéry
  • Science and technology of the sea / Brest
  • Micro, Nano and Smart technologies for industrial application  / Besançon


The targeted audience is bachelor’s students who have an interest in one of those topics and would like to start learning French or improve their level in French while discovering a French region. No level in French is required: the whole scientific programme will be held in English, and the students will attend French courses 15 hours/week.


The deadline for application to the grant is February 28, 2024. To apply, interested students only have to send an email to this address, with a CV and a cover letter: prague@campusfrance.org  and to fill in the following application form: https://forms.gle/cbirwLRrJESbAdtz9

You can also find more information on our website: https://www.ifp.cz/cz/french-sciences#/

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