9:00 - 17:00 | Career coaching, career consultation |
| Career coaching can help you clarify the best way to build your study and/or career path. With the help of professional counsellors, you will find out what type of assignments fulfils you, what you are personally suited to, what your strengths or talents are or any specific areas for development. In this type of meeting, you and the counsellor go more in-depth based on the questions you ask, so it's possible that you may come across questions you may not have asked yourself, and the meeting will help you identify your short and long-term career goals. Duration: 55 min. Career consultation addresses a more specific topic - revising your CV and cover letter, deciding between specific job offers, preparing for a job interview, presenting your own strengths and experience, thinking about salary and how to ask for it, preparing for an Assessment Centre or an interview in Czech/English. Duration:… |
11:00 - 12:00 | Third round of Women´s University floorball league SK VŠCHT Praha vs. ČVUT |
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12:30 - 13:30 | Fourth round of Women´s University floorball league SK VŠCHT Praha vs. ČZU |
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15:00 - 16:00 | Relaxation |
| Relax and study? They go together! Try a relaxation lesson on campusand learn how to work effectively with stress. To study effectively and integrate your knowledge, it is crucial to regularly release accumulated tension and let your brain and body relax. Relaxation is the ideal opportunity to refresh yourself for your next work. How will it work? In a small group, you will try out different types of relaxation, mindfulness or imagery. You will be sitting or lying on blankets, so comfortable clothes are recommended (not the best way to relax in tight jeans or a short skirt). Come repeatedly! Regular relaxation can help you with improving attention and reducing anxiety. The Tuesday appointment once every 14 days, always at 3pm, is particularly good for this. But of course you can choose any available dates that suit you. |
16:00 - 18:00 | Bezpečné prostředí na VŠCHT |
| Jednou ze základních podmínek pro studium je cítit se na vysoké škole bezpečně. Během workshopu si proto představíme, jaké jsou projevy mocenské hierarchie, jak můžeme rozpoznat nevhodné chování a co v takovém případě můžeme dělat. Cílem je podporovat bezpečnou a inkluzivní atmosféru na VŠCHT. |
16:00 - 18:00 | Freshman, sophomore behind you: figure out where you're going |
| This event is held in Czech language. Once you've had a bit of a look around at university, it's a good idea to start taking the first steps towards your future career. If you leave all this until after you leave school, you'll probably find that your better-prepared classmates have beaten you to it. Or you may find out quite late that you're missing something essential to getting your dream job. We'll talk about how to think about your future career, how to choose the right field/environment in which you'll thrive, and how to gradually build a good foundation for a successful leap into practice. We'll also talk about part-time jobs during your studies and preparing what you can then sell in practice. Objectives: Workshop participants will realize that: - it is necessary to have a purpose/goal already during studies and to work systematically towards it (and find out the reasons why this is necessary) - it is necessary to have an… |
16:00 - 17:30 | Mobility day
| All kinds of study/work opportunities abroad? All at one place at the same time? Yes please! Meet us at Uhelna to hear about it from those, who know the most. Starring: Department of International Relations, ESN UCT & IAESTE UCT Prague |
16:00 - 20:00 | Volná hraní + půjčovna |
| Open play in respirium is mainly for those who do not have enough to play once a month at Boardgame seminary and for those who want to play bigger games with people who are not afraid of big games. Come to the respirium on Tuesday at 16:00 and borrow the game from our list: https://www.udkh.cz/#/games and just play The only difference between this open play and the (ir)regular DesKOHraní event is that no one will babysit you. We from UDKH want to play ourselves and we will not have time to help you choose the game or explain the rules. |
17:00 - 20:00 | UNIQORN lecture (the lecture is in Czech) |
| Oheň je přirozenou součástí vývoje a fungování mnoha původních ekosystémů. Recentní paleoekologické studie dokazují, že v minulých tisíciletích ve střední Evropě hořelo poměrně často. Požáry tak významně ovlivňovaly podobu řady biotopů, udržovaly bezlesí a byly běžnou součástí lesní dynamiky. V průběhu posledních staletí jsme však oheň z naší krajiny efektivně vytěsnili. Hlavní událostí loňského léta byl rozsáhlý požár v NP České Švýcarsko, který rozvířil debatu o dopadu požárů na přírodu a hrozbě podobných událostí v budoucnosti. Cílem přednášky je pospojovat všechny tyto souvislosti, uchopit oheň jako obrovskou příležitost pro… |