Kalendář akcí VŠCHT Praha
11/27/2023 (Mo)

12:00 - 16:00Career coaching, career consultation     

Career coaching can help you clarify the best way to build your study and/or career path. With the help of professional counsellors, you will find out what type of assignments fulfils you, what you are personally suited to, what your strengths or talents are or any specific areas for development. In this type of meeting, you and the counsellor go more in-depth based on the questions you ask, so it's possible that you may come across questions you may not have asked yourself, and the meeting will help you identify your short and long-term career goals. Duration: 55 min.

Career consultation addresses a more specific topic - revising your CV and cover letter, deciding between specific job offers, preparing for a job interview, presenting your own strengths and experience, thinking about salary and how to ask for it, preparing for an Assessment Centre or an interview in Czech/English. Duration:…

16:00 - 18:00Využijte storytelling k tomu, abyste vyjádřili svůj názor     

Lukáš Liebich je architektem designového myšlení v týmu Experience Design společnosti MSD. Se svým týmem pořádá workshopy a školení Design Thinking po celém světě, od Austinu po Dubaj a Singapur. Všechny své prezentace obohacuje o storytelling.


"V roce 2009, když jsem končil vysokou školu, jsem hledal práci. Musím přiznat - byl to velký boj. Opravdu jsem se chtěl stát manažerským konzultantem, ale problém byl v tom, že..."

... Takto jednoduše by se dal začít příběh. A pokud jste jako většina lidí - právě teď vás trochu zajímá, v čem byl ten problém.


Lukáš Liebich vám ukáže výhody používání vyprávění příběhů v komunikaci, představí jednoduchý…

17:00 - 18:30Legal literacy II     

The legal literacy lecture series will provide participants with a basic overview of the legal system and insight into various legal matters (contracting, civil litigation, criminal proceedings). You will learn the general basics of law, the principles of legal proceedings and how to navigate the law. We will take a detailed look at contract and promissory note law, which are useful to understand better, including a detailed analysis of specific contracts and promissory notes.

The entire series is designed to be interactive, discussing specific real-world situations, what to watch out for, and there will be plenty of room for your questions (prepare questions on anything that interests you). The series will prepare you for common life situations - you will learn to understand the basic types of contracts and how to check or adjust them.

There are three lectures that build on each other and you must take all three.

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